"Best of" Award

Searching online to find the right professional is always time-consuming and customers are too often unsure whether the information they're finding is trustworthy. This is why we feature only the most qualified professionals in the area on Fash.com. We know what customers are looking for and we use customer-driven criteria to determine who is featured on Fash. All businesses are featured based on merit alone. A business cannot pay to be included on Fash and that is why customer come to Fash to find the right professional.

Our Process

We use proprietary research to select the top professionals in over 500 services across 1000 cities. So far, we’ve vetted over 1M businesses and have generated $100M in revenue for the local businesses that we feature on our site.

Research and verification

We start by looking at a large pool of professionals for a given service and geographical area. With proprietary tools, we analyze all available public data to learn more about each business. To narrow down our list we verify contact information to ensure candidates are actively doing business and use customer-generated data to ensure all candidates are in good standing in their customers and communities.

Initial selection of qualified candidates

We then grade each verified candidate using the following criteria:

  • Experience - Years in business and education related to their field of expertise
  • Professionalism - A dedication to quality work and outstanding customer service
  • Reputation - Excellent recommendations from satisfied customers
  • Engagement - Responsiveness and willingness to engage with customers

Each year we review existing business and new business to ensure we are always featuring the best business in the area.

Manual review and Feature

To get our final list of professionals who will be featured, our team does a manual review of our selection and cross-references that with customer criteria to determine which business are the absolute best.

Our process was created to customer find and hire the right professional for their needs. To ensure customers are getting the best information on the internet so that they can hire with confidence.

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