Get reviews

There are two main ways to ask for reviews

1. Send a review request

You can easily request a review from all your customers in just a couple clicks:

  1. Go to your Inbox page
  2. Click on the customer you would like a review from
  3. Click on Request a review in the top right (On mobile, click the 3 blue dots first)
  4. We'll email the customer and let them know to leave a review. That's it!

2. Share your review link

To find your review link follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile page
  2. Scroll down until you see the "Reviews" section and click Get reviews
  3. In the pop-up window, you will see a box with your link. Click this link then copy it.
  4. Share your review link with past and current clients via email, social media, text message, and more.
Pro Tip

Pros with 5 or more reviews are twice as likely to be hired than pros without reviews.

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